Christmas Clean-Up Can Be Fun This Year

Young man tidying up living room after party

Young man tidying up living room after party

There’s a good chance that the thought of cleaning up after the Christmas holiday makes you cringe. Especially if you had a lot of guests in the house, this isn’t something you look forward to. Even so, clean-up doesn’t need to feel like a chore. Instead, you can make it fun. Here are some great ideas.

Remember the Reason

Don’t focus on the negative if you need to put decorations away and clean the house. Rather, remember the reason you’re doing it. For more than a month, you’ve had the tree set up, decorations throughout your home, and people coming and going. Now, you can reclaim your normal existence. Just imagine how great you’ll feel after the clean-up is done.

Listen to Music as You Clean

Turn on some upbeat music. That’ll make the clean-up process easier and more enjoyable. If you choose songs with faster beats, you’ll even feel energized. Not only that, but if you need a quick break, you can dance or sit and listen. Either way, you’ll finish everything faster than expected.

Capture Memories

If you feel bittersweet about putting all the Christmas stuff in storage, here’s a way to make it less emotional. Before you remove the handmade decorations by your kids or grandchildren, take a photo of them. Do the same with a beautifully decorated mantle and other things that mean something special. That way, you can pull out the pictures whenever you want.

Ask for Help When Needed

Some people struggle to ask for help. However, that’s not always a good idea. If you find it hard to put certain items away or are physically unable to reach some things, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. That could come from your children, a friend, a neighbor, or a spouse.

Organize the Christmas Decorations

Many people throw everything in a box only to struggle with them the following Christmas. This year, you can do things differently. For example, place small decorations inside plastic cups and then put cotton balls on top. Another option is to put breakable ornaments inside empty egg cartons. Next Christmas, you’ll be glad you took the time to organize things before storing them.

Make a Donation Pile

If you see anything that you don’t plan to use again, put it to the side to donate. Along with making clean-up easier, this is an excellent way to help another person with little to no decorations. Besides, that’ll give you the excuse to buy different things for next Christmas.

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Recycle the Tree

Instead of putting a real tree by the curb for the garbage collectors to haul away, recycle it. You can find many people on social media who use trees to make compost. In addition, there are always businesses that offer this type of service.

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