For most people, candy and Halloween go hand in hand. For instance, one of the things that kids look forward to most during this holiday is going door-to-door in costumes and getting their favorite treats. However, if you are trying to be healthier, there are some other items to give out this Halloween. You can have some fun this holiday without loading kids up on too much sugar.
Glow Bracelets
Kids love trick-or-treating, but this activity does have its hazards. Traffic accidents are not unusual during this night. With so many people out and about in the streets, it can be hard for drivers to see kids in costumes crossing the road. For this reason, glow bracelets make a lot of sense. Instead of giving out candy, pass out this item so kids can stay safe as they are out and about.
Though not a favorite of parents, slime is something that many kids love to play with. For example, this is a popular party gift, so why not pass it out for Halloween? Trick-or-treaters will love playing with this gooey substance.
Hair Scrunchies
This accessory comes in handy for kids who want to style their hair. Moreover, this Halloween, you can find some holiday-themed scrunchies. Different colors and styles are available, so have some fun choosing some festive, fun options.
Discourage unhealthy eating habits and encourage reading by handing out bookmarks. However, don’t settle for some run-of-the-mill choices. There are lots of Halloween bookmarks to pick from at your local party store. For example, choose monster bookmarks, pumpkin bookmarks, or any number of other holiday varieties.
Plush Toys
Candy might not be the best choice for the youngest trick-or-treaters. Moreover, little kids will always love stuffed animals. You don’t need to choose large ones to give out for this day. Small plush toys will work just fine. Tiny Halloween characters are in stock at hobby stores this time of year. Furthermore, kids will love plush ghosts, skeletons, pumpkins, and monsters.
Halloween Whoopie Cushions
These are among the silliest toys you can give out on Halloween. What kids don’t enjoy playing with this goofy gag? Halloween whoopie cushions will be the delight of Halloween for your trick-or-treaters. But be on the lookout that your kids don’t play a trick on you with them.
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Lastly, another candy alternative to purchase is a collection of magnets. You can purchase small magnets of Halloween colors. Plus, there are Halloween magnets available now at holiday stores. Your kids will love putting these on the fridge and playing with them.
In summary, if you are mindful of different trick-or-treating ideas this holiday, pass out some of these this year. They may not be what kids are used to, but they can still put a smile on their faces.
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