As a parent in Pittsburgh, PA, you should always be mindful of your children’s well-being. For example, when school starts, they will be away from your watchful eye and, in many ways, be on their own. Even getting to school poses some risks that they need to be aware of. Furthermore, if your kids get to school via a carpool, establish some rules and guidelines that they can follow. Doing so will give you and them some peace of mind.
Before Starting the Car
If you are shuttling kids to school, you have a big responsibility. Take this task seriously so everyone can arrive at school without incident. For instance, you need to prepare yourself for each ride before you even get into the car. Firstly, make sure you have your driver’s license with you and that it is up to date. Secondly, examine the area around the car before you start to drive. Look for children, pets, toys, or other obstacles in the way.
Thirdly, as you approach each home of the children you are taking to school, make sure you see them clearly. Also, any kids at these homes that you are not taking to school should stay away from the vehicle at a safe distance. Furthermore, teach your own kids not to play in the street or near parked cars.
As You Are Driving
Importantly each child in the car should sit safely. This means smaller children should be in a car seat or booster seat. Older children and adults should buckle their seatbelts and keep them on throughout the ride. Moreover, no one under age 13 should ride in the front seat. In addition, you should never have more people in the car than seatbelts can accommodate. As the driver, never start the car or pull away until everyone is buckled.
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After You Arrive at School
Instruct all children in your car to exit your vehicle on the side of the curb. They should never get out of your car on the side of the road. Make sure they are safely on the sidewalk before you pull away and drive off. Also, never leave children alone in the car. This is important to remember even if kids are alone for a few moments. The kids you transport should know not to play around your vehicle once you arrive at school. They should exit the car promptly and head toward the building.
Carpools have many advantages and benefits. Furthermore, they are convenient for parents and kids. However, there are potential hazards that everyone should be aware of. Following these tips will reduce the risks of injuries and other mishaps as you take your own kids and others to school this year. To make sure your vehicle is in good condition for carpools, bring it to the team at Honda North in Butler, PA, today.
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